B a r r y P a y

We Handle It All

For You To focus on

What Matters Most

Taking care of your loved ones, without the stress of fighting for the help you deserve.

Contact Us Now Contact Us Now
why choose us

We know the struggle

BarryPay was created for you

"By people who have been where you are right now"

We Know Your Struggle
Because We’ve Lived It facing the same challenges, worries, and heartbreaks when it came to providing care and support for our own loved ones.

We’re not just another service; we’re a solution created by people who truly get it.
We go above & beyond
BarryPay was created out of our personal experiences, with a system that failed to provide the support and help when it was needed most and decided enough was enough.

With 25 years of accountancy and Payroll Experience Barry decied to fight back.
Cheaper & No Setup Fees
Barrypay is committed to never charging a setup fee. We believe that financial management solutions should be accessible and affordable for all families.

We are proud to be the most afforable provider putting you first ALWAYS!

We support you every step of the way

  • HMRC Compliance
  • DPS Payments
  • Payroll
  • Fighting to get you what you deserve.
  • Stress free managment
  • Custom BarryPay app built for you

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I get started
    You can begin by dropping us a message through this Form

    We can then set up a meeting to discuss your needs and what are the next steps.
  • How do I get my New Employee Starter form?
    You can download and fill in the following form for HMRC from this Link
  • How do I get acccess to the Payroll platform??
    Once your form is submitted and you are signed up you will be sent an email with a link and access to the Payroll platform
  • How do I get the app?
    Each clients gets a custom app which is a web app to get it on your phone go to the login page on your mobile phone. Then open the menu or share tab on the phone and look for add to home screen.

    When added to the home screen BarryPay works just like a normal app using new web app technology making it more secure & faster.
  • How do I pay HMRC and what are their bank details?
    To pay your PAYE & NIC to HMRC, we will first advise you of the amount owed. To then make the payment, please send the money to the HMRC:
    • Sort Code - 08 32 10
    • Account Number - 12001039
    • Account Name - HMRC Cumbernauld
    Please always remember to use your Accounts Office Reference Number, as the Payment Reference Number.

We Care & Are Comitted

To fighting for people who have been left to struggle alone NO MORE!